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As part of the global community, we had high standards to adhere and live up to, we chose a narrative style to really bring the stories to life in the same unique way a listener would expect from the brand.

The podcast poses the question of ‘How do we unpick the things that don’t work, modify our brief, steady our focus and create positive change in a world of constant flux?’ The series is an example of local storytelling, showcasing breakthrough thinking, smart innovation and inspiring people whilst celebrating the area’s diverse community.
EighteenSixty helped us become the first TEDx event in the world to launch its own podcast and month-on-month it’s grown its audience, working closely with us to create the perfect concept that, importantly, was in keeping with the global ethos and values. I’ve been really impressed with their ability to bring real stories to life through audio.
Mel Rodrigues, TEDxBristol curator